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Harbor Trucking Association is the only organization representing the carriers serving the Ports of Long Beach, Los Angeles, Oakland and Seattle/Tacoma.

Many of the issues you deal with every day are issues that affect other carriers serving the ports. One voice with the terminals, ports and steamship lines, is more effective than a few scattered voices.

With the number of trucks serving the harbor shrinking, and using more expensive equipment than ever before, it is critical we use it effectively, and get the most production possible from the resources we have.

Stay informed with the most important industry topics, without having to do all the research yourself.

Take advantage of group discounts in purchasing fuel, tires, and other supplies, as vendors realize the purchasing power of the Harbor Trucking Association community.

HTA is a non-profit, tax exempt corporation designated under Section 501(c) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions and funds made available are not deductible as charitable contributions as defined in Section 170(c) of the Code but may be deducted as necessary and ordinary business expenses in accordance with the Code. Please contact your tax advisor with any questions about your particular situation.

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